Trade Secrets

Trade Secrets
Thrive IP® helps businesses identify and preserve their trade secrets, avoid the appearance of trade secret misappropriation, and enforce trade secrets against theft. Non-disclosure/non-use agreements, intellectual property audits, and advice regarding reasonable measures to keep commercially valuable information secret enable clients to employ trade secret law as a versatile tool to advance their business goals. When push comes to shove, we stand ready to litigate with temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions should the force of law be needed to stop the imminent or ongoing misappropriation of a client’s valuable trade secret information.
Thrive IP® is called upon to assist start-up companies in the drafting and review of non-disclosure agreements for patented technologies. NDA’s drafted by corporate attorneys use antiquated forms that frequently do not include non-circumvention clauses, improvements clauses, clause that govern how communications concerning confidential information takes place, and other provisions that are critical to technology companies. Thrive IP® can assist your business counsel in such matters.